Our Purpose is "To assist those in the Church to go DEEPER in their relationship with God and to do whatever it takes to make certain that at least one more person has the chance to KNOW Jesus."
Wesley Covenant Prayer
“I am not my own. I am Yours alone. Make me into what You will. Rank me with those You will. Put me to use for You. Put me to suffering for You. Let me be employed for You. Let me be laid aside for You. Let me be lifted high for You. Let me be brought low for You. Let me be full or let me be empty. Let me have all things or let me have nothing. With a willing heart, I freely give everything to Your pleasure and disposal.”
From 3:00-4:30 p.m. every Sunday evening. NOTE NEW TIME! It’s a time for the kids, ages 4 through Hogh School, to gather to worship, play games, do crafts, and learn about Jesus. Parents, we have a DNA group going at the same time for you. Check it out.